OCR Conversion Services

OCR deals with the conversion of an image or text into Unicode or ASCII format. During this conversion, there is a high rate of error which needs to be detected and solutions need to be ascertained before conversion of data into electronic format. This is where our team of experts comes in, to devise an OCR Cleanup to provide quality output.


We have enough technical know how to undertake any of your OCR cleanup processing needs. We offers a wide range of services include hand written materials, bill remittance forms, survey forms, hard bound copies. These are converted into electronic format using top end scanners that can work with bulk documents. Additionally our multilingual software can work with a number of languages and different fonts. This enables us to carry out precise OCR cleanup and send completed output in any format desired.

OCR Conversion Services Offered Are:-

PDF OCR Service:

Conversion of OCR PDF into text PDF is in most cases highly inaccurate. Data attained is not dependable as it will contain innumerable errors. This results in loss of time and resources. At Data Entry India BPO, we have developed special tools in house for OCR conversion. We utilize different methods that have proved to be much more consistent than commercial services available elsewhere. We can convert image PDF files into text PDF files in its original format while key elements are retained in the format such as graphs, charts, tables, equations etc.

Forms OCR Service:

Printed forms as well as hand written forms are converted using OCR pattern methodologies. This highly demanded service used widely in medical forms, invoice etc are prepared with a high level of accuracy.

Document OCR or Image OCR:

Various formats like tiff, jpg or any others are dealt with when using this service irrespective of image quality. We use pattern checking processes while retaining format which is valid even by MS Word standards and regulations.

Book OCR Service:

This refers to converting books by employing OCR techniques while preserving format. Manual format is used by our OCR conversion technicians while safeguarding content like headers, footers, headings, charts, tables and equations. We have developed macros to adhere to format requirements of our clients.

Newspaper OCR Service:

Buy utilizing custom OCR software we can run batch data cleansing for a set defined combination for newspapers. This can be done by 2 methods, batch OCR or manual OCR. The data is then run for batch cleansing.

Zonal OCR Service:

Zonal OCR is used highly in document indexing. It is a process used to capture several intricate details such as social security number, phone number, pin code or date etc. Specific details such as invoice date, invoice serial number, invoice amount etc is then transferred into a database. It is mainly used for archiving/indexing purposes in MS Office files and PDF format files.

OCR cleanup process detects and forwards suspected OCR characters to a data entry operator for cross check and verification. However this technique is useless for hand written documents which has deteriorated over time. In such cases we shall assist you with double key manual data entry techniques

Common problems faced in OCR are image quality, inability to recognize multiple languages, incorrect format & loss of data. Batch Enhancement processes can be used for treating poor quality in images like noise removal, Image Contrast and brightness optimization & adopting pattern checking for unclear characters and symbols. Our formatting techniques retains original format. This is commonly found when symbols are replaced in place of bullets. Content can be edited without any change in format. Our methods pass authenticity when final output is compared to source and client requirements. When it comes to language we have a wide experience with matters relating to recognition of different languages supporting English and a majority of European languages. Data Entry India BPO is one stop solution for effective OCR conversion services.

Please contact us or send your Service requirements at info@dataentryindiabpo.com to avail service of unsurpassed quality at very lucrative prices.